Nguni Cows

*     If exposed, Nguni heifers are usually in calf before they are one year old

*     Fertility approaches 100% with the expectation of one calf every year

*     The Nguni pelvis is problem free and will calve with eaze from any large frame bull

*     The motherly instinc of the Nguni Cow is very strong and calf survival rate is very high. "Midwives" (experienced cows) in the herd will assist heifers if nessasary to clean up membranes and support their first newborn calf

*     The herd instinct of Nguni cows are very strong. Mothers will group-battle predators to protect their calves

*     The Nguni udder is well attached with plenty milk and decent teats - no pendulous low-hanging udders or bottle teats

*     Nguni cows grow very old and can be expected to calve till age 16 or older

*     Femininity as explicidly expressed by the Nguni Cow is an important marker of essential gender differentiatiation in cattle. Gender differentiation expresses specialisation in function. This should be appreciated and commercially utilised and certianly not mixed or downgraded.

Nguni in a Nutshell

*     Nguni Cattle is a 6000 year old natural breed from Africa - stable dominant and well adapted genome

*     Nguni is the Natural fully adapted bos taurus (Bos Taurus africanus) of the Southern Hemisphere

*     Through natural selection Nguni cattle defines the ideal weight of cattle for the harsh Southern Climate:  Bulls 600-700Kg and Cows 250-350Kg

*     Nguni's are foragers and regularly includes leaves, shrubs, bark, berries and even weeds in their diet. The result is a great survival capacity in droughts

*     A Bos Taurus genome combined with a complex natural diet provide for tender beef with a great herbal flavour dependant on the diet range available

*     Nguni Cattle are "flat boned" cattle with a very light skeletons. This ensure less trampling of grass and long range water access. This also ensures a greater deboned weight to dressed weight ratio - providing on average 15% MORE MEAT to the butcher per dressed carcass

*     Nguni's have thin hides with naturally oily short slick hair. This ensure heat resistance, tick and disease resistance and as a bonus provide a precious well sought after skin

*     Nguni Cattle are typically placid cattle. This temperament achieve low energy consumption (less feed needed), low feed destruction (less trampling of grass), minimal heat exhaustion (lower metabolic rate), low management risk and low staffing costs. Finally a placid nature is also a major contributing factor to tender beef

Nguni Cows

*     If exposed, Nguni heifers are often in calf before they are one year old

*     Fertility approaches 100% with the expectation of one calf every year

*     The Nguni pelvis is problem free and will calve with ease from any large frame bull

*     The motherly instinct of the Nguni Cow is very strong and calf survival rate is high. "Midwives" (experienced cows) in the herd will assist heifers if necessary to clean up membranes and support their first newborn calf

*     The herd instinct of Nguni cows are very strong. Mothers will group-battle predators to protect their calves

*     The Nguni udder is well attached with plenty milk and decent teats - pendulous, low-hanging udders or bottle teats are rare

*     Nguni cows grow very old and can be expected to calve till age 16 or older

*     Femininity as explicitly expressed by the Nguni Cow is an important marker of essential gender differentiation in cattle. Gender differentiation expresses specialisation in function. This should be appreciated and commercially utilised and certainly not mixed or downgraded.


*     The Nguni Dam Line has been hailed by Prof Phillip Morgon as the most profitable dam line in the world

*     Extremely low inset costs is the hallmark of Nguni Farming: negligible fertility, birthing and calf care costs; minimal disease control / immunisations; round off on natural feed only (at Genesis we supply coarse salt licks only); minimal staffing costs due to ease of handling

*     Generally superior roughage conversion rates implicates more beef for less grass

*     Medium dam mass (implicating more units per hectare) combined with high fertility serve the common commercial principle of high turnover = high profit. Simple modelling demonstrate up to 200%  increase in profit over some Brahman dam lines in Queensland

Below:     Nguni X calves


A beautiful tri-coloured cow and her calf


Poplap the Super Cow

Nguni X Brahman

Well attached udder with decent teets. High fertility. Tick resistance. Lovely to work with. Read the story.

Above and Right:

Young Nguni cattle foraging on shrubs in the semi desert

Nguni in brief